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Gardening Life Hacks

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American painter Elizabeth Murray once said, “Gardening is the art that uses flowers and plants as paint, and the soil and sky as canvas.” Is there anything more accurate than that? States Tammy Sons of Tn Nursery Reviews

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Gardening, in a way, demands not just time and dedication from its nurturers but also creativity. And in regards to the various environmental situations right now, with the greenhouse emissions causing a spike in the atmosphere and materials wasted every second, that creativity is needed more than ever. While mediating this crisis may take some time, or a long time, or in worse cases never, as a gardening enthusiast or professional gardener, can do your part in helping out Mother Nature no matter how small it would be. And one good example of that could be getting creative with your household items for gardening.

In gardening, getting yourself drenched in sweat and heat and staining your hands with dirt remains inevitable. If you feel as if you do not want those to get to you, this is where your helpful gardening-life-hack-websites come in; if you are not the internet-savvy type, then you can start with looking around the house and being resourceful.

One example you can start with is container gardening. The definition is already right in the name itself, and if you lack or have too much space in your residence, then container gardening is just right for you. One of the more popular types of home gardening thanks to its versatility, container gardening can work with any material to hold soil—pots, jars, old totes, cardboard boxes, or even unused machine parts may do. Other materials scattered around your home may work, whether it be wood, plastic, glass, and metal, ideally steel. You can even pour forth your inner artist, combine them into unique pots and containers to give your plants an extra dash of color, and put them up on display.



In regards to watering your plants without going back and forth to do so, this is where planters come into the fray. But you do not need back-and-forth trips to Home Depot to get one, and you can always use, for example, wine bottles. They can be upside-down planters, bird feeders, soil containers, or even combined to make a raised bed. There are so much more than these options in which you involve wine bottles, such as self-watering planters and water fountains. Or, if you have a penchant for decorating your landscape, then a wine bottle can also make an excellent decorative tiki torch for your garden. You can even take it up to the next level and create a mini-ecosystem or a quick-and-easy wine bottle terrarium in your container, so just let your imaginative juices flow!

If you are more into practicality and all you want is to make sure that your seeds do not get affected by pests, diseases, and such, then there are various solutions you can find in your kitchen cupboard. One effective repellant that guarantees no adverse side effects would be cinnamon powder on seedlings—it has anti-fungal qualities, and it would spice (pun not intended) up your garden with that warm and woody smell. Used coffee grounds are a great alternative if you want to keep pests away, and at the same time, add to the nutrients of the soil and the gardening compost pile. If you do not have the time or resources for both, eggshells are always available as an option against soft-bodied pests with their sharp and jagged edges. Garlic-mint insect spray is a cost-effective, highly efficient, and easy do-it-yourself pesticide you can use. It does not have any additives, preservatives, irritants, or chemicals that cause any allergic reactions, thanks to its organic content. Vinegar may work as a safe option if weeds are invading your yard. And speaking of coffee, you can utilize your coffee filter (if you have one, that is) to keep the soil from spilling out and drying up.

Some other gardening hacks can include using an old water jug as a watering can of sorts by poking holes in its lid to allow the water’s flow. Another one is the use of honey as a propagator for stem cuttings, as it contains vital enzymes for growth and can reduce the chances of fungal problems. You can also place newspapers or any scratch paper on garden beds around your plants to halt the growth of invasive weeds. If you are a bit skeptical of your gardening soil’s pH level, mix it up with either vinegar or baking soda if you want to be sure whether it is acidic, basic, or neutral. If bubbles pop up from either one of them, the vinegar would indicate an acidic pH level, while the baking soda indicates a basic one. There can also be those dingy garden sheds, with which you can swap for a shipping pallet board stuck on your wall or your fence. You can even hang up your gardening tools for easy convenience. Herbs can be good dual-purpose plants, as they can also function as mosquito repellent—some good options are citronella, lemongrass, thyme, and marigold. Double-sided absorbent diapers are also a great life-hack—barring the waste and excrement that goes into them—if you feel the need to retain water retention in your gardening pots. Cooking water can double as a great alternative to your local store-bought plant fertilizer.

To summarize this little article, these hacks can be helpful to beginners looking for an easier way out while working in their backyard or their field. While these hacks may not be perfect, especially on the first take, always remember that gardening is not just a hobby but also developed. While anyone can do it, it often requires ingenuity and hard work if you want your seedlings to grow without any problem. It would be a bonus if you can even add twists to your gardening strategies, and as long as you have a lot of patience and time to spare, your hard work would pay off without a doubt. 

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